Webosaurs Dancers!

Webosaurs Dancers!
Welcome to the Webosaurs Dancers page on Webosaurs Expert. The main Idea of this there will be a few ranks new ranks will be coming every so often and to get a higher rank you have to enter tournies hosted on this blog. The winners will not only get a higher rank when they win but also get coin codes for most of the tournies. Here are the ranks so far. For each tourney you win you get bumped up one rank. When you join you start of as a cute egg shell.
SupeElite: Rah
Mega Elite:
Egg Shell:Ronaldinho1, Bluggindino, Rw30, Redblue, Rowsy, Ilikbebugs, Spyro008, Rexeruz,Dukster, Jiro, Garaltsu88,Ror,Isa1,Screechie,,RexxyTheBeta
Ok Guys I hope you sign up to do that all you have to do is leave a comment below saying that you want to join. Remember only Webosaurs Dancers’ members can join the tournies to win coin codes and get higher ranks!
Just for extras you can put this banner below on your blog to support us

Bannner For Webosaurs Dancers Url: http://oi53.tinypic.com/2l92v5l.jpg