Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Webosaurs Decoration Design Contest!

Hey guys,

This is the first contest on Webosaurs Raptor so the prize is... 3000 coins! What you have to do in this contest is add holiday decorations to this image You can either add the decorations using a computer or you can print out the image and draw the decorations onto it, just make sure that YOU made them! At then end after I get all of the submissions I will put up a poll to determine who will win! Enter the contest by leaving your webosaurs name and the url of your entry in a comment below

Best of luck!


  1. i would like to be in this contest - Tippytyler

  2. Hi Rah. coolhlh here, I took a snapshot for this Christmas contest and saved it as a jpg - can I send my photo to you?

  3. Sure send it to :D

  4. Tippytyler you have to make a contest entry to join :D

  5. rah i sent u the picture to u ok. coolhlh


Comment Below. Its not that hard to comment all you have to do is put your email and a name your email will not me displayed.