Thursday, November 4, 2010

Webosaurs Forum News

The Webosaurs Forum is rocking as usual and I’d like to take a second today to highlight some of the awesome things going on for everyone who has not been paying close attention! You may remember that the Webosaurs Navy was featured on the blog a while back and ever since then we’ve seen an awesome response and a lot of new groups popping up. There are the Webo Warriors; founded by Sludge, the Webo Warriors move up in rank over time based on time spent on Webosaurs and all of the ranks of the Webo Warriors have the coolest names, like Alpine Ambassador and Ridge Ranger. There are also the Tootsters; founded by VGM and Dukster, they are not an army, but a fun group that loves to toot, probably why I’m a member! Last, but not least are the Webosaurs Dancers founded by Rah, these guys start off as a tiny egg shell and can grow in rank over time! Keep up the good work Webo Groups and let’s see some parties and contests started soon!
Also, remember that tomorrow is the last day to submit for the Blog Entry Contest, after that I’ll organize them and create a poll for the best ones to be voted on! If you have a last minute entry you can submit it here.
One last thing, there is a poll on the Webosaurs Forum asking about weekend party times, if you want to have a say you can vote here until the end of the day.
Keep on bluggin’ dinos!
Yahoo! Webosaurs Dancers was mentioned in the post! To join click here!

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